Cloth Diapering

I thought wool or fleece wasn?t supposed to do this (long)

I am sorry that this got long ? it?s just me venting.


Last month we bought SBish snapless fitteds and one woollybottoms wool soaker.  The soaker is very big on DS and we had major leaks the first night we tried it with the SBish snapless.  So we stopped using the SBish at night and stuck to pockets with the wool soaker over it (even though it was a bit big in the waist).  We still were getting leaks when using the wool over a pocket diaper (with 2 joeybunz hemp and 1 MF).  The waistband of the wool was getting wet and got his pj?s damp.


Then I was excited to buy a dancing bears fleece soaker.  For right now, we like this fleece soaker much better.  It?s still big on DS, but we can pull it up higher on him. It has been working much better over our pockets.  I?m convinced that without a cover over our pockets our heavy wetter DS would saturate his pj?s almost every night, or at least about every other night.  The fleece has held back most of the leaks.  But?..


The past few nights I can tell that through his fleece halo sleepsack that his pj?s are damp.  I check him and the fleece soaker and Pjs smell like pee.  Agghh.  I thought that fleece and wool were supposed to prevent leaks!  I am disappointed in that we are still getting very damp ?leaks? on his PJs even with the fleece soaker on.  Could it just be a compression leak?


I don?t know how to prevent these leaks if they are compression leaks.


Now DH is all frustrated again with CD-ing at night.  He says it?s not worth it (He?s a SAHD and has to deal with the morning diaper change when DS wakes up).  I want to keep him on board but am getting frustrated myself. 


I know that we have a very heavy wetter at night b/c he completely saturates a BG microfiber insert and 2 joeybunz hemp.  I can?t stuff anymore into any diaper we have b/c we?ll get leaks out the legs.  (We have other CD?s that came in the mail this week, but I have to wash/prep them ? Kawaii night time heavy wetter, hemp babies doublers, and others).


Anyway, I guess this is just a vent about wool and fleece.  I wanted to show DH the ?magic? of them and that they could completely stop the saturated leaks that we were getting before purchasing wool and fleece.  They?ve stopped the saturation, but we still get leaks onto his PJ?s.  I need wool and fleece to show me the ?magic?.  Maybe I should have bought a Kissaluvs soaker to begin with.  Oh well ? live and learn.

My Ovulation Chart

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

TTC #1 since June 2009: irregular cycles
BFP 1/20/10, EDD 9/28/10, born 10/5/10

TTC #2 since Nov 2011:
BFP 2/8/12, MC @ 5 weeks; BFP 3/22/12, MC @ 5 1/2 weeks; BFP 9/10/12, MC @ 6 weeks

Started seeing RE Nov 2012. Chromosomal test and all other tests came back "normal". Unexplained MCs. Found mild hytpothyroidism. Two unmedicated cycles, both BFNs. First medicated cycle (clomid, ovidrel) 1/23/13. Low progesterone found during 9DPO P4 test = 7.6. Put on prometrium supplements.

BFP 2/16/13; 2/18/13 (13 dpo): Beta #1=52.8, progesterone=18.7; estrogen = 412; Dr. increased progesterone dosage.
2/21/13 (16 dpo): Beta #2 = 269; progesterone = 32.4
2/25/13 (20 dpo): Beta #3 = 1,236
2/28/13 (23 dpo): Beta #4 = ?? tbd
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