Cloth Diapering

Kinda plssssssssssssssssssssssssed - H20 softener

So the past week or so I've been complaining about how dry my skin feels. I just figured its been dryer than usual here in Las Vegas. Even my DH has been saying his is dry and he never says that. Well, today I was walking by the water softener and its broken!!! Ahhhh waaaaaah. My husband thinks its been broken for probably 10 days so now we have to go buy a new one. Grrrrrrreat.

Ive also noticed the diapers smelling hayish when she pees during the day. I wonder if this is why....Ive prb washed 3 times since the softener broke (if its been 10 days). Do you think stinkies can happen that quickly? I use hard rock bc Ive always thought that our water wasnt totally soft.

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