Cloth Diapering

I want my erfin diapers already!!!(Vent)

Gah! I ordered some diapers on the 27th of January and they have yet to even be shipped! WTF?!? So it's 1-3 business days till they ship (but with high volume it could be 3-5). So let's go with the 3-5 b-days. They should have shipped on Thursday the 3rd. But they didn't. I got an email FRIDAY THE ELEVENTH OF FEBRUARY that they would ship monday the 14th and that didn't happen either. Sigh. The site says it takes 7-10 b-days to even get them after they ship. So IF they ship today I won't receive then until the 24th at the earliest. That's almost a month since I ordered them! GRR.

On top of that my Rockin Green shipment was supposed to be here Saturday the 12th and now it says I won't get it until the the 17th. I've been working with 7 diapers for well over a month now! Come on already I'm sick of washing diapers EVERY FLIPPIN DAY!

ETA: They are Kawaii diapers

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