Cloth Diapering

Grrr, so I bought a cheapie smallish munchkin wetbag

because, hey, they were in our local store and I"m always excited to see that!

So, since the Kushies one I got in was 1-crappy and 2-ripped, I grabbed the munchkin one.

I don't love it--the inside is 'plasticky' instead of PUL and so it can't be tumbled dry (which sucks when I bring home a stinky wetbag and don't have one to go out w/ again but, meh, that's why we have other stuff and ziplocs were invented).

And now it has ripped along the inside seam.  I could sew it, but poking more holes in the plastic is bad and I shouldn't have to.

 Sent something via their customer service button on their website, and thus far have gotten back a 'thanks for contacting us' reply and nothing.  *grumble*

(I know, I should just buy a 'good' small one.  but, this is my 2nd diaper-bag-one that's gone south.)


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