Cloth Diapering

Anyone use 2 detergents?

DH has sensitive skin and we've been using All F&C for years with no problems. I usually buy the big jug of it from BJ's. Our niece bought us a box of BumGenius powdered detergent along with a couple BG 4.0 OS CD for my shower. DH doesn't want to use powdered detergent since we just had our septic redone and the guy recommended not to. I managed to pacify him by telling saying it would be just the one box. I figured when it's used up, I'd switch to Country Save liquid or something else.


Does anyone use 2 different detergents for CD vs. reg clothes? Is it more hassle than it's worth? I'd have to order the detergent since no one in our area carries the brands recommended for CDs. I can't make my own because DH doesn't want powdered. I guess I'm wondering if using the All on the loads that aren't CD will do anything to the CDs (repelling issues). We have a HE front loader if that makes any difference.

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