Cloth Diapering

Babyland or Kawaii?

I was on Craigslist looking for baby furniture for #2 and saw an ad for dipes. 10 Kawaii with extra inserts, 20 Babylands, and an additional 10 gdiaper inserts. She wanted $200 for the lot.


It seems that Kawaii is well-reviewed but that Babyland are el cheapo. I told her I'd be interested in the Kawaii and maybe the gdiaper inserts. I can get 12 new ones online for $80 with free shipping. What would you pay for "lightly used" 10 Kawaii? I asked her to name a price, but I'm rusty on resale values. I bought my BG stash in 2007 and am actually dreading buying more because I don't want to research all the dozens of new brands out there! totally lame, I know.

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