Pregnanct after a Loss

AW Half Baked & 20 week BPF

Good morning ladies, I couldn't wait to sign in today and see that I am 20 weeks pregnant already! There is something about being in the 20's, I don't know, but it feels amazing. This shirt isn't all that flattering online, but it's cuter IRL.


Have a great day everyone! Can't wait to see your bumps when I get home from work :)

P.S. I'm also excited for today because we are getting a brand new custom bedroom furniture set delivered today!! We have been sleeping on the mattress on the floor for the past couple of weeks and it's getting harder to roll out of bed, so I'm looking forward to it all being set up. 

BFP 7/31/10 m/c 8/16/10
BFP 10/25/10 Brynn Helen born 7/7/11
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