Attachment Parenting

cat-wearing (PiP)

After much frustration, two destroyed needles, and several "Yes it's pretty but WHY is my primary machine 60 years old, again?" type thoughts...I finished my first ring sling!  It's shirt-weight with the odd metallic thread for a bit of sparkle, and I doubled and hemmed it before starting actual construction, to give it as close to the strength and durability of linen as I could.  I'll probably try making another one later, out of solid-colored linen, but this was too pretty to pass up.  The rings are size large Slingrings in bronze.  I ordered three different colors, to see which I'd like best with the fabric, and didn't realize that the "one" when ordering meant one PAIR and not one I have another five sets to play with now.  Oops!

Since LO was unavailable to model the new sling, our cat Emma volunteered.  She's climbed into my hoodie before to be "worn" so this was the logical next step, right?  The only complaints I got were several growls when it came time to be taken OUT of the sling.


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